Executive Board

The Executive Board manages the affairs of the foundation in joint responsibility and acts as its legal representative. The respective divisions are led by the members of the board independently.



Dr. Ingmar Ahl

Director of Programs and Projects

As Director of Programs and Projects, Dr. Ingmar Ahl is responsible for the realization of the foundation's purpose and its project work.

After having worked in the fields of academics, science, publishing and politics, the historian of education worked as Division Manager Promotion and Program Manager Science for the ZEIT Foundation in Hamburg until 2007. He is Deputy Chairman of the Initiative Frankfurter Stiftungen, Deputy Chairman of the Conference of Working Group Leaders and, since 2020, Head of the Education Working Group

T +49 69 874 027-11

Trutz Rendtorff

Director of Finances

As Director of Finances, Trutz Rendtorff is responsible for the administration and the investment of the foundation assets as well as the foundation's general administration.

After having worked in the fields of banking and business consulting as well as in law offices, the lawyer and business graduate recently has acted as administrator of large private assets at Bankhaus Sal. Oppenheim.

T +49 69 874 027-21

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