The Karg Foundation at a glance
Founded: in 1989
Founder: Hans-Georg Karg (1921-2003), owner of Hertie Waren- und Kaufhaus GmbH, and his wife Adelheid (1921-2004)
Purpose: The support of gifted children and young people prior and during their school education
Topics: Qualification, information, support of and networking between kindergarten, school as well as counselors spezialised in highly gifted students. The foundation acts mainly through operational support but also by acting as a sponsor.
Committees: Executive Board and Board of Trustees
Number of employees: 26
Federal Association of German Foundations
Frankfurt Foundations Initiative
Deutsche Gesellschaft für das hochbegabte Kind
World Council for Gifted and Talented Children
Annual Funding amount: 4.4 million euros (scheduled in 2022)
Accumulated amount of funding: Since 1989 the foundation has spent a total of 54 million euros in funding (including 2022).
Assets: 139 million euros (as per balance sheet 2022)
The Karg Foundation acts in accordance with its statutes.
Grundlagenwissen zum Thema Hochbegabung und Orientierung zur Situation professioneller Hochbegabtenförderung in Deutschland
wissenschaftlich fundiert und praxisnah