
The Executive Board and Board of Trustees implement the various activities of the foundation together with an committed team.

Board of Trustees


The Board of Trustees monitors the adherence to the purpose of the foundation and oversees the Executive Board. It decides on all matters of fundamental importance and of the use of the foundation’s funds. Currently it holds five active members and two honorary members.

Board of Trustees

Executive Board


The Executive Board manages the affairs of the foundation in joint responsibility and acts as its legal representative. The respective divisions are led by the members of the board independently.

Executive Board



The work of the Foundation is carried out by an expert team. There are two specialist departments, “Early Childhood Education and Counceling” and “School”, as well as the “Press and Public Relations” department and the “Commercial Management” department.

Staff (in German)



A strong network of people with expertise and experience in the promotion of gifted children, in Early Childhood Education, Counceling and School, accompanies and advises the Karg Foundation in its project work.

Experts (in German)

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Grundlagenwissen zum Thema Hochbegabung und Orientierung zur Situation professioneller Hochbegabtenförderung in Deutschland

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