Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees monitors the adherence to the purpose of the foundation and oversees the Executive Board. It decides on all matters of fundamental importance and of the use of the foundation’s funds. 


Dr. Michael Schwalba

Dr. Michael Schwalba

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Hamburg

Managing Director, M.M. Warburg & CO 

Armin Alexander Hibben

Armin Alexander Hibben

Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Cologne

Head of Corporate Taxes, Deutz AG

Tax consultant

Prof. Dr. Tanja Gabriele Baudson

Prof. Dr. Tanja Gabriele Baudson


Professor of Differential Psychology and Psychology of Giftedness, Charlotte-Fresenius-Hochschule

Sandra Behrend

Sandra Behrend


Head of the Saarland Counselling Centre for Giftedness

Carsten Demmler

Carsten Demmler 


Managing Director of HIH Invest Real Estate GmbH

Elisabeth Götz

Elisabeth Götz, OSTDIN 


Headmistress of Markgräfin-Wilhelmine-Gymnasium, Bayreuth

Denise Schmid

Zurich (Switzerland)

Managing Partner at Marcuard Family Office AG

Lawyer, MBA

Honorary members


Dr. Peter Lex

Honorary member of the Board of Trustees, Munich

Lawyer, inheritance and tax foundation attorney

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